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Outlier detection

DO: Istat


Rank: 14

Functionalities mapped to the GSBPM: 5.4 Edit & impute

State of achievement: Selemix Version 1.0

Distance to CSPA: compliant with CSPA principles

Technical prerequisites: R, Java

Risks: -

Description: This service allows to identify and rank influential units that impact the final estimates (selective editing). Based on the wrapping of the generalized software Selemix, written in R and available at:, this service aims to reduce the number of manual revisions and will offer the main functions available in Selemix: ml.est, pred.y, sel.edit. The user will be able to select a function and set the parameters for data processing. For each function, specific reports will summarize the results, as shown in the following figure.

Outlier detection process

The proposed service is not a simple GUI wrapping of an R package. More specifically, to execute the ‘outlier detection’ process steps, a metadata-driven architecture has to be designed and implemented. As shown above, a user invokes the statistical service, that runs the procedure by accessing metadata and input data. At the end of the procedure, output data and metadata are stored in a repository and reports are displayed to the user.