I3S meeting notes
16 May 2019: Istat-Insee webconference on ARC-Relais integration
A webconference between Istat and Insee was organized in order to discuss the integration between ARC and Relais, in preparation of the Rome hackathon.
Action points
The following actions are to be performed before the hackathon:
- Each NSI to select a use case mixing ARC and Relais with its own service in major and the other in minor
- Insee: use Relais to deduplicate ARC output data. This deduplication is currently done in a client application of ARC, but it not very efficient. Using Relais can be a good way to upgrade this step.
- Istat: use ARC to create new variables and upload ARC files in RELAIS for record linkage
- Select a step in each service which can be mutualized or reused.
- Arc: format to model
- Relais: data preprocessing
- Select a user interface function which can be mutualized or reused (preferably a function used in the mutualized step).
- Rule editing?
- Selection of subsets of variables/records?
- Data preview?