
Common general documents for the ESSnet

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Oslo meeting - minutes

WP5 presentation



Communication actions

In the near future, there are 2 conferences:

Other topics

Will the next hackathon be multi-located ? Yes, it is a possibility.

Lisbon workshop

The objective is to invite beyond the ESS, but there is the question of the budget. The UNECE was willing to help with the budget for inviting people if it is a CSPA event. It is necessary to check that this offer is always on the table. The ESSNet on its own doesn’t have the budget for inviting 50 people. We can plan to invite some influencers, the others will have to pay for their participation.

Due to the pandemic situtation we must think about different solutions for the organisation and have a B plan: physical meeting, virtual, mixed meeting, physical and virtual, streaming of the presentation, having chat…

We plan to have a 2.5 or 3 days meeting, so we need very interactive sessions (technical and non technical).

Ideas of presentation/interactive sessions:

PXWeb presentation


PX-Web fulfils the following CSPA features: F1. Documentation F2. Internationalization F6. Security solutions F8. Sandboxing for exploration(Demo)

In the near future the following CSPA features will be implemented: F3. Open Source F9. Containerization

Work done so far:


Reuse of PXWeb: cf.

Main lessons learned from reuse: the collaboration allows not to create everything from scratch, the feedbacks about the database structure.

A video on PXWeb will be made by the communication department of the Norway institute. INE and INSEE will send the questions for the interview.


The document is considered to be at the good level for architects who have to discuss with the managers. So, it will be interesting to have more feedbacks from managers about it. It is suggested to focus more on costs in order to make understand the interest of sharing. The document may be used in many ways, it can be seen online or used for a presentation in a workshop, it could be filmed … it is the main idea of this deliverable.


Presentation at :

The ESSNet core engine version is now the same as the INSEE ARC core engine production version. The deployment of the ARC ESSNet version in INSEE production is planned for the end of the year. ARC is more and more reused in INSEE. ESSNET helps a lot for that as it gives more visibility to the applications involved in the project. I3S helps ARC to enhance the quality, the performance and the documentation of the application. These are important points for the business decision makers.

ARC REST webservices to execute ARC modules have been developped in August. These webservices were needed for an internal ARC reuse case for the Insee project SIRENE4. This will also allow to finalize the ARC-IS2 integration for November. A further step will be to test the data and workflow sharing between ARC and Relais.

An ARC Tutorial has been written after the 16/06 virtual hackathon to present the ARC concepts and how to proceed with simple csv files :

Questions and remarks :

Reuse case

Reuse test with the “Division for acquisition of administrative data and integration of sources” at Istat. Two administrative sources have been used on the collect and check input phases. The process has been redesigned according to the ARC model.


Interview on multi-organization open source collaboration

National strategies:

Summary of the level of maturity :

A parenthesis on compliance: the Linagora mission will have a look at the code and provide recommandation regarding the property state ; for the users compliance is mainly a question of copyright respect and licences compatibility ; for the producers, compliance is mainly a question of copyright respect (respect of the contributions of the developers).

In order to make an auto-evaluation you have to answer these questions:


Linagora question: let’s say you all agree to let eurostat lead your co-innovation community, would you all agree to transfer your intellectual property rights in a non-exclusive way to Eurostat ? In order to allow Eurostat to have the same rights as you on the code ? It is not easy for NSIs to give the answer to this question.

Next steps: summarize the interviews, analyse the code to see if there is compliance actions to undertake. If there is compliance breaches, a first estimation of the worload to correct them will be given. A scenario for a general organisation will be also delivered.

VTL presentation

Presentation at :


All partners agree on adding VTL Tools to the scope of I3S.


Year-end Hackathon

Possible subjects:

Duration: 5 days ?

Where: at Istat, all travels and seminaires are cancelled until the end of the year, it is more or less the same in every country.


Work done:

Work in progress:

Next steps:


INSEE choosed RELAIS to redesign the linkage process of the BPE application. This application builds an important database for INSEE called “Permanent facilities database” (BPE). The Permanent facilities database is used to track and keep up to date what community facilities which are available on the french territory for a given year. The concept of community facilities is broad and data must be collected each year from several data providers.

BPE use linkage for data consolidation. The BPE statisticians use the BPE application to finalize the integration of the files of the year in the BPE database. To do so, the BPE application proceed and report the result of a linkage between the new year datafile and the previous year datafile. The goal of this linkage is to know what facilities must be kept, deleted or created.

The actual BPE linkage requires 3 specific variables with determined name and concept (idsource as facility identifier, typequ: type of facility, adresse1 as the facility location). As a consequence, the statisticians have to rework each of input files to create the required variable with the right name and content. The others variables of the files which could give extra information on the linkage cannot be used. The algorithm is not suitable for all of the provided datasources as sometimes, a variable is missing or other most valuable variables cannot be used.

The statisticians are aware of the BPE linkage limits and feel that using RELAIS is a good opportunity to enhance the BPE linkage and the quality of the final database. A preliminary study document had been written in september 2019. A proof of concept to reuse RELAIS for BPE linkage has started on march 2020. Most of the technical problems had been exposed at the “16 June 2020: Istat-Insee mini-hackathon” and cleared shortly after.

The work of evaluating the RELAIS record linkage (the probabilistic and the deterministic one) is in progress. The evaluation of the statistician workflow should occur at the end of 2020 and the use case tested still must be defined.

Service deployment

Work done:

Next steps:

WP3 challenges:


NTTS Deadline for abstracts: 15th of october Tracks: softwares, frameworks and tools, specific topic: reusing tools and services

It is not possible to have a specific session. We have to make individual contributions. It is necessary to organize a meeting next week in order to discuss what we want to submit.

Modernstat world workshop

Ideas of presentations:

Abstract for the 10th of September.

Can we make the same contributions for NTTS ?

Other next steps

There will be an intermediary meeting in october (duration: 2 hours).

Actions plan