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I3S ESSnet “Oslo” meeting - Presentation on VTL Tools

Reminder about VTL

Developed by a task force of the SDMX ITWG starting from 2013: v1 in 2015, v2 in 2018

Covering validation and transformation of statistical data sets of all kind (unit, dimensional, qualitative, quantitative, survey, registers, micro and macro…)

Based on a simple data model using common features of GSIM, SDMX and DDI. Data sets made of rows (data points) and columns (components: identifiers, measures, attributes)

Endorsed by Eurostat as part of the ESS.VIP Validation, but not an ESS standard yet.

Recent developments on VTL

Update of grammar 2.0 published

Also upgrade to SDMX 2.1.

Lots of improvements, but remaining inefficiencies (duplication of scalar/component expressions).

Governance is still unclear. Grammar evolution was untraceable. Feedback not organized.

Panorama on tools


Interpreter and sandbox

Editor and rule manager

Statistics Norway




BIRD tools. VTL is used for validation and transformations: details on the methodology page. Some unlicensed code on, but current work seems to happen in the Eclipse Free Bird project (see also

Banca d’Italia

VTL E&E, mostly Java, R packaging and Jupyter notebook, EUPL 1.2

Other NSIs

Poland, Italy: VTL -> SQL translators

French developments

Common features

Generation from grammar via ANTLR

Open source

Development driven by use cases

JavaScript Tools

VTL Tools

Java Tools


R Tools



Use case
