Track One debrief
Rome hackathon - may 2019
The Team
The italian team!
The plan
Dockerize the IS2 application:
a first container for the Spring Boot application
a second one for the database
Deploy both containers in a calm and orderly fashion:
Target platforms could be Compose, a cloud provider, etc.
The execution
Containerization of both the DB and the application was done quite quickly...
...having the two containers talk to each other was not.
We needed to update the way the app reach the database
Using Docker compose, we need to configure the composition of containers in order for the application to wait for the DB to be ready
The results
We manage!
to deploy using Docker compose
to deploy on the DCOS Insee platform
in both cases using images pushed to Docker Hub
also as a by product, to update the version of Spring boot
Everything is
on GitHub!
and on
Docker hub!
Demo time!
The aftermath
Things to do
integrate the Spring boot update to the code base
deploy on a cloud provider, using Kubernetes
document the work and the lessons learned for WP3?
Outstanding questions
Initial target was Relais, we ended up with IS2
Relais to be proposed as a standalone service ?
ARC was already dockerized before the hackathon
Compare the work done ? Extract some common elements / guide? (Compose / Marathon / Kubernetes)
Thank you!