
Common general documents for the ESSnet

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I3S ESSnet Toulouse hackathon minutes

Monday 13 January: consortium meeting

The morning begins with a welcome by the Toulouse Regional Director. Then the main points of the agenda are reviewed :

Monday - consortium meeting

Tuesday, Wednesday morning, and Thursday - technical tracks

Wednesday afternoon - intermezzo ideas

Friday - conclusion


Questions/remarks :


Questions/remarks :


Questions/remarks :


Questions/remarks :


No question.

Presentation of the tracks

Track 1: Architecture

Arcitecture guidance, cookbook and interactive guidance. Discussion on the scope, the structure, the content and the overlap between WP2 and WP3.

Participants: Jelger, Jakob, Hendryk, Giusepina, Trygve.

Track 2: Development

Participants: Vincent, Rune, Patrik, Romain, Mauro, Manu, Franck, Hadrien

Track 3: Communication

Participants: Pedro, Pierre, Hakim, Marco, Benoît

Objectives of the hackathon



CSPA Catalogue

Format of the delivery slip

Demonstation of VTL tool

Introduction and Use case

VTL Tools in JavaScript

Tracks reports

Architecture track

Architecture guidances

Dev track

Deployment sub-track:

IS2 cloud deployment:

Future works:

Com track

Proposition for a flyer template (with propositions of questions in order to help filling the different parts):

Discussion on the Sinder:

First try for Lisbon agenda:

first day morning (9:00 to 12:30):

first day afternoon “Beyond the ESSNet” (14:00 to 17:30):

second day morning “CSPA session”:

second day afternoon “Practical session”:

Other ideas for the Lisbon workshop:

Hackathon results and next steps


Next steps:

Oslo meeting:

UNECE feedbacks: